March for Life 2010 - Limited Time Offer!

The March for Life is a Pro-Life rally held on the anniversary of the Supreme Court's infamous decision known as Roe v Wade. You can read about their founding and much more on their website. Here's a teaser:"Late in October 1973, grassroots prolife leaders became concerned that January 22, 1974, might come and go without properly memorializing the Supreme Court's infamous abortion decisions...No established right-to-life organization was prepared to undertake the planning, financial and operational responsibilities for a high impact prolife March on the U.S. Capitol. But, grassroots prolifers wanted to march!"
We are planning to attend the 2010 March for Life, which is being held on Thursday and Friday, January 21st and 22nd. Travel to Washington is provided by bus on a first come first serve basis. So the quicker you respond the better.

As you can tell there are many more details to iron out, so check back often for updates.

We only have room for a few more on the bus. Check back for more details soon.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    It'd be great to know how many more seats there are and when it leaves and all that vital information. Thanx